


The site is largely targeted in the Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 Windows Vista and Android user and also will address and cover issues in regard to Microsoft and Windows operating system. All the information & tips offered on this site is offered on 'as-is' basis, with no warranties. The author/s will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason. The opinions expressed by the writers are their own and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of The APK4fun.

Before you try any hints which are being offered for free, by this website, it is recommended that you back up all your data as well as your Registry and make a system restore point first. All use is totally at your own risk.

This website was started on 20th April 2009, two years after the launch of APK4fun. The Windows Club is just a Microsoft Featured Community. We are also a part of this Google News network.

You may also want to have a look at our Windows Club Help Forum. We mainly talk about everything Windows, and we'd love to have you enroll and take part on it.